Monday, November 30, 2009

Post Thanksgiving!


I hope everyone had a fabulous, wonderful, excellent Thanksgiving day!! I sure did. It was a long but short weekend all at the same time, probably because I worked Wednesday and then half days on Friday and Saturday, so it completely threw me off. For Thanksgiving though, we finally had it at my aunts house, which is a blessing because they have the most people.. my family only has 4, so it makes sense. But every year is a big deal because we have like 50 people in my immediate family!! But it was great. The family was altogether, which is the best part of the day. :) After my families' thanksgiving, we went to Matt's dad's house for dessert.. but when we got there, they were carving the turkey. So I was all confused and not at all hungry, but I was polite anyway. lol. Then woke up again on Friday for work :) YES!!

By the way, right now I'm watching "Chelsea Lately" and she is freakin hilarious!!!

I just finished a workout on my Comcast OnDemand and can I say that it easily kicked my butt. Like I feel ten thousand pounds over weight lol. I'm just a hot mess. But today I'm starting my not diet.. but "life change". And my lucky readers (Whom I think all disappeared on me), husband of course, and parents are the only people who know about it. Becuase everytime I try this, I tell everyone thinking that it'll be easier. BUT i have found out the opposite, like when I tell everyone, I think I just consider it like done already. I don't know how to explain it but its like the more I talk about it, the more I don't do it... cause I feel like when I'm talking about it, I'm doing it but that's not the case. Does that make sense to anyone else but me? lol

Also, I ummm am a little behind on the wedding posts recaps. I haven't ordered my pictures yet because we've been a little tight on money. But I am going to order the negative disk and make Christmas presents :) WHoop Whoop. Speaking of which I am absolutely thrilled for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO

Ok, I must get ready for work.. I hope you all recover from the holiday nicely :) <3

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl!!! You've always got me as a reader! I totally know what you are talking about when it comes to the "life change". I'm doing the same thing. I think if I have to blog about it to keep me honest. You know I'm always here for support!! Love you!!
