Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost the New Year!

Today... 20 minutes on the Elliptical while starting "Julie & Julia". I hadn't eaten or made dinner and was exhausted, so I hopped off. I need a really good nights sleep :) Soon hopefully!! For dinner was 1 cup broccolli, 5 oz. boneless pork chop, 1 cup rice with soy sauce, and 1/2 cup of mushroom soup... It felt really good, cause I was hungry. I really want to eat more calories during the day and not at dinner.. but working as a Medical Assistant doesn't exactly give me time to aside from lunch.. Any ideas on how to make this happen?? Sorry so short, I'm going to bed :) And if I don't post soon, then HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

and here's to more of this :)


  1. Did you like the movie?? I thought it was so cute!!

    So proud of you for getting back on the fitness train!! You can do it and I'm always here for you. Love ya girl!! Happy New Year!

  2. Yeah, there's nothing worse than being too busy to eat during the day and then gorging at night. You gotta take care of yourself and get more calories during the day.

    You can go for high density raw foods like avocado, seeds and nuts with your salads. Sometimes I make a shake at home with nuts, bananas and spices and take it to work in a flask.

    The key is not to get so hungry - I've been there - I become like a wolf woman and will eat anything... actually good reminder - off to make myself something now!

    take care, and keep blogging - we want to know how you're doing!
